Better Homes and Gardens Australia — December 2017

(John Hannent) #1


Eggs are nature’s ‘perfect food’, not just for
human health, but for pets too.
Bird eggs are one of the most complete and
nutritious additions to your dog’s meal, and
they are cheap! Eggs are highly digestible,
delicious and healthy – not to mention low in
calories. Besides containing a full range of
essential amino acids, eggs are full of vitamins
and minerals, including vitamin A, riboflavin
(vitamin B), vitamin D, folate, vitamin B12, iron,
selenium and fatty acids. They are also good
for your pup’s bones and teeth.
Adding eggs to your pet’s diet improves the
coat, strengthens the hair, helps build muscle
and repairs tissue. Need recipe ideas? Try
cutting hard-boiled egg into chunks and mix
into your pet’s food. Try tossing in eggshells
into the bowl to provide an additional source of
calcium. Yummy, your pet would egg-ree!

better pets


hen reptiles
are more
active in
snake bites are a common
pet emergency. The survival
of your pet depends on the
snake type, bite location,
amount of venom injected
and how quickly the anti-
venom is administered.
Signs of a bite include
shaking or twitching of the
victim’s muscles, difficulty
blinking and breathing, hind
limb weakness followed by
collapse, loss of bladder and
bowel control, vomiting,
paralysis, salivation and

enlarged pupils. If your dog
or cat shows signs of a bite,
keep it calm, and get to the vet
immediately. The animal has
a better chance of survival the
earlier it receives anti-venom
treatment. Recovery can take
two days or longer, depending
on the severity of the bite.
To help prevent snake bites
and an expensive anti-venom
treatment, keep your dog on
a lead and your cat indoors.
Stay away from high grass
and rocks where snakes like
to rest, and remove piles of
wood where they love to hide.
Be ready with a list of local
vets that stock antivenom.


Woah! Can you hear that? It’s the sound
of a stampede and it’s heading your way!
These Zuny Handmade Animal Bookends &
Paperweights come in two sizes – Baby and
Large, and prices start at $39.99 each. They
make a great toy for children as well as being
practical and decorative for your home.
Available from


eggs for health


Feed your pooch eggs, and what to do for venomous bites

Photography Adobe Stock, Getty Images


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