Better Homes and Gardens Australia — December 2017

(John Hannent) #1
You can include begonias
in your mixed outdoor
flower beds too. Look
for the varieties sold as
‘bedding begonias’, which
thrive in sun or shade.

Rex begonias


Ideal as houseplants or in hanging
baskets, elatior begonias (Begonia
x hiemalis) are short-lived but
flower prolifically and come in fabulous
colours, from hot reds and oranges to
softer sherbet-like pinks, lemons and
apricots. A group of two or three pots
of these little beauties will brighten any
room. In terms of growing, they like rich,
well-drained soil and detest soggy feet.
Grow them in African violet potting mix
and keep it evenly moist. Cut back spent
flower stems to 5–10cm long, to revitalise
the plant and encourage new growth.

Elatior begonias^


Also known as king
begonias, Rex begonias
have the name for
good reason. While their
flowers are insignificant, their
foliage is like a royal robe
with purple, pink, maroon,
pewter, silver and shades
of green splashed on the
foliage in dazzling combos.
They grow well in pots and
hanging baskets in bright
filtered light. They need high
humidity but hate soggy
roots, so water only when dry.

Begonia tuberhybrida
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