VegPlanet — October 2017

(avery) #1


1 heaping tablespoon of salted/fermented
½ cup of chopped onion
2 dried chilies
2 tablespoon water (drinking water)
375 gram cooked noodles***
3 tablespoons cooking oil


  • Blend ingredients A to D until smooth paste.

  • In deep frying wok, heat the oil.

  • Once oil hot, add the spice paste, stir for 1 minute.

  • Add the noodles to the wok and stir until noodles
    are coated in sauce.

  • Ready to be plated.

recommended toppings

  • 1 cup chopped spring onion

  • ½ cup chopped green chilies

  • 1 cup fried onion (crispy shallots)

  • 4 cups uncooked green veggies of your choice

  • 3 cups beansprouts

Blanch the green veggies and beansprouts before


In deep bowl, add noodles. Pour the curry sauce onto
noodles and then add all the desired toppings. Enjoy!...


Avid traveler, avid vegan, avid eater, but only
self-proclaimed “mediocre chefs”. His love
for food and travel has led to many cooking
experiments in the kitchen. Combining fl avor,
spices and ingredients to create a fusion meal is
a favorite pastime of his.

*** prepare the noodles as per-instruction on the package,
making sure it is not overly cook. We prefer noodles are
still al dente when added to the sauce.

If using Okra, cut the tip of the okra just a little bit to remove the hard stem, but careful not to cut into the
fl esh. No need to cut the okra in smaller pieces.
The curry sauce is even better on the next day, making this recipe great for party as you can make a day
ahead. If this is for next day, stop cooking when you add the mushroom to the sauce, to prevent okra
becoming too soft upon re-heating the curry the next day.
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