Australian Healthy Food Guide — November 2017

(Martin Jones) #1

actor in
ermented foods

Lab-based studies have uncovered
the natural anti-ageing potential of
oods like kimchi and sauerkraut.
Foods that have been through the fermentation
process have also been shown to positively affect
the expression of genes related to weight gain,
thanks to the way they improve gut bacteria. And
that’s powerful, because gaining just a moderate
amount of weight in mid-life decreases the chances
of you achieving healthy ageing, according to a
study released earlier this year.

How to do it Always choose and eat ‘fresh’
sauerkraut and kimchi, which have been naturally
fermented,rather than the shelf-stable varieties
that you’ll find in supermarkets. These shelf-stable
varieties are preserved using vinegar rather than
fermentation, so they don’t contain the beneficial
bacteria. And you’re probably more likely to enjoy
the pungent taste of fresh sauerkraut or kimchi.

How to do it
Throw a dinner party
at your place from ti
to time, rather than a
eating out on special occasions.
“When you cook at home, you
obviously have much greater
control over the ingredients that
are used, which can add up to a
healthier, more nutritious meal,”
says Milly Smith, dietitian and
spokesperson for the Dietitians
Association of Australia.
Researchers agree, finding
that people who cook most of
their meals at home consume
significantly fewer kilojoules
and eat less sugar and fat.
Throwing a dinner party also
pays a financial and friendship
dividend — it saves money, and
your friends may invite you back!


Making your own
pickled vegies at home
helps you control salt &
sugar levels — plus it’s
great family fun!
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