Australian Healthy Food Guide — November 2017

(Martin Jones) #1





Limit alcohol
Some people find alcohol causes flushing
of the skin, which can trigger rosacea, a
chronic redness caused when the blood vessels
enlarge and produce excessive blood flow.
Although the redness usually reduces, over time
it can lead to a permanent enlargement of the
blood vessels and visible ‘thread veins’ on skin.
If alcohol makes you stressed and anxious, it
can also increase the production of androgen
hormones that trigger acne. Alcohol also causes
the skin to dehydrate, with fluid loss leading to
flakiness and puffiness around the eyes.



Researchers have found that not getting enough
sleep increases the likelihood of wrinkles and
fine lines, and inhibits the skin’s ability to recover
after exposure to the sun. Sleep allows your skin
to regenerate. Without enough sleep you’re more
likely to become stressed, thereby restricting the
blood flow of nutrients to the skin.

Sugar and high-Glycaemic Index
(GI) foods such as cakes, biscuits
and soft drinks raise blood sugar
levels and increase glycation,
a process that damages elastin
and collagen and speeds up skin
ageing. So it makes sense to cut
back on these foods as part of
your anti-ageing plan.
Be sun sensible
Your skin needs protection from
the sun, whose UV rays can cause
damage, even on cloudy days.
Large doses of UV rays cause
ageing. They penetrate the upper
layers, affecting connecting tissue
and blood vessels, which leads
to wrinkles. Sun exposure also
increases your risk of skin cancer.
Cancer Council Australia
recommends protecting skin
with clothing, a wide-brimmed
hat and UV protective sunglasses.
It also recommends seeking the
shade and using at least SPF 30+
sunscreen — 20 minutes before
you head outdoors and then
every two hours afterwards.

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