Racer X Illustrated — October 2017

(Sean Pound) #1

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MANNEH: The Austrian round
really sticks out for me. I won
a moto and got second in
another moto. Malpensa [Italy]
also sticks out. That’s where I
ran into Mike Healey. We were
battling back and forth and he
stuffed me in a corner, and I
thought, Man, he stuffed me
hard. So I stuffed him back. I
felt real bad because I hit his
foot and he got a little crack in
his ankle and he had to sit out
for a month. I saw him after the
race and he said, “Yeah, man,
okay, no problem.”

MOORE: I was kind of the guy
under the radar until the three-
quarter mark of the season;
then I was a challenger. I was
one of the guys always compet-
ing up front. I really enjoyed that
entire year because nobody be-
lieved that I could do it. When I

got my fi rst 250 Grand Prix win
at Foxhill in Great Britain, it was
pretty cool, but as soon as I did
that, it was like, “Alright, let’s try
to get some more.”

JEFF STANTON (Team Honda):
Going into Unadilla, I was on
a roll. I won the supercross
championship the week before
and wanted to go there and kick
everybody’s butt. I wanted to
go there and dominate and to
set the precedent that the U.S.
was badass. And I knew of the
Americans that were racing in
Europe in 1992, but only Donny
and I were really close. No
matter—I wasn’t going to settle
for second place to a European
rider, let alone an American rider.

MOORE: I was right up there in
the championship. I knew that
the key was to get some good

points and then move on, be-
cause Unadilla wasn’t my best
type of track, and I just needed
to get some good points. Donny,
unfortunately, had that pretty
bad crash in practice and had to
go to the hospital. We were ob-
viously hoping that he was going
to be okay, but on the other side
of it, from a racing standpoint,
it was like, “Wow, okay, this is
my chance to maybe get some
points and get right back into
this championship hunt.” It
ended up that Donny made a
remarkable recovery at the hos-
pital and, after missing the fi rst
moto, came back and raced the
last two motos. I did alright that
day and got fourth overall.

HEALEY: At the fi nal GP, in Ja-
pan, they did the second moto
on Sunday. The 125s went out
fi rst, and there was just one rut

Still, to this
day, I’ve
never, ever
met a more
than Donny


Bob Moore told Chester-
fi eld Yamaha boss Michele
Rinaldi (below) that he would
ride without a salary—just
bonuses—if Rinaldi gave him
a shot in 1992. He did, and
Moore ended up fi nishing
second overall in the series.
Two years later, Moore would
win the 125cc World Champi-
onship for Rinaldi.

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