Racer X Illustrated — October 2017

(Sean Pound) #1

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Malcolm Stewart didn’t start the 2017 Monster En-
ergy Supercross series on time, but once he settled
in with Ride365.com/Stewart Racing Suzuki, there
were some good moments in his rookie 450SX
year. Stewart’s been MIA for the Nationals, so we
decided to catch up with our favorite fi sherman.



Racer X: A guy like you who does
supercross only, I’m interested in
whether you ride at all in the summer.
Malcolm Stewart: I’ve been motoing
every day, just been behind the scenes
doing things. It sucks if you’re not at
the races, but I’ve been pretty much
keeping myself in shape. If you just stop
doing everything, that’s the easiest way
to start getting fat.
We’ve always known how much you
love to fi sh. How much do you fi sh
these days?
The good thing about Florida is it’s
the capital for fi shing. The lakes are

everywhere. I don’t have to drive too far
to get to a lake, so, if I can, I would like
to fi sh every day. But certain days, with
riding, after you do a long day of riding
and training, you don’t really want to
do too much, especially if it’s hot.
You went to Italy and toured Gaerne
and then went to the MXGP. What’d
you think of the whole trip?
The whole Gaerne factory, that was
amazing to see how boots are made.
I would have never thought boots are
handmade like that. It defi nitely opened
my eyes up. Now when I’m coming off
a triple and I case something I’m like,
“Yeah, somebody made this personally.”
But the whole experience of being over
in Italy, that was my fi rst time ever. I
never went to a GP before in Europe.
Well, I went to the Charlotte GP last
year, but a GP to me is going out of
your element completely, where you’re
driving and you don’t know where
you’re going. You’re hoping and praying
that Siri puts you in the right direction.
It was cool how they do it over there.

It’s a totally different culture and how
they run things over there. I like it. It’s
always good to have things changed
up. [Whenever] my career starts going
to an end or whatever options may be, I
would love to race it for sure.
You also went out there and rode the
electric Alta bike. What’d you think of
that thing?
That thing was pretty cool—it was
actually really cool. To be honest, riding
a motor—I would say I guess something
you put gas in—I’ve been doing it all
my life. And then [to] jump onto an
electric bike and ride it.... I guess
the only thing electric I ever rode was
a Segway. Close enough to that, but
two wheels. It was different, but once
you started actually riding it, the whole
feeling of it is the same. If anything, the
torque of it is actually strong, like right
out of the gate. It had more torque than
my 450. It’s defi nitely different, but I
enjoy it. They can make new iPhones
up to date—hell, why not make a new
motorcycle that’s electric?

You’re hoping and

praying that Siri

puts you in the

right direction.”

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