Racer X Illustrated — October 2017

(Sean Pound) #1
race teams due to the lack of parking.
There’s also a lot of construction going
on around the stadium right now that’s
made it even more challenging. Hope-
fully for you and all of the fans in the De-
troit area it will someday return. DC

I wanted to share this drawing my 12
year old son, Kaleb Matthew Grijalva,
drew of Trey Canard.
Daniel Grijalva // Racer X Online



Is there no way to combine a
USGP with one of our National
races? With the latest collaboration
between MX Sports Pro Racing and
Youthstream, maybe now is the time
to broach the subject again. I’m a huge
fan of GP racing and am already mak-
ing plans to attend the MXGP of USA
in September. Unfortunately, I already
know the event will likely be a finan-
cial failure, as has every attempt at this
race since the golden days of Unadilla
(and Carlsbad).
We all know the problem: Ameri-
cans don’t care about the GPs. Ameri-
can fans come out in droves for MXoN
events here in the States. They are pa-
triotic and want to support our riders in
an “us versus them” event. A promoter
could take advantage of this and bill a
dual point-paying race in the same man-
ner. Also, with the amount of support for

two-stroke races, a support class could
really add to this event.
Erik LaRue // Racer X Online
Erik, thanks for the note. Like you, we
have long pondered the idea of com-
bining both, but there are huge issues
to overcome first—like different rule-
books, different sponsors, different TV
networks, etc. Let us see how the new
MXGP of the USA goes first, and then
maybe we can start working on those
challenges. DC

Supercross has been my lifelong love
ever since I religiously attended in Pon-
tiac, Michigan, as a kid. Since it has
moved to Ford Field, they have skipped
Detroit once. Now the 2018 schedule is
skipping Detroit again. Do you have any
idea why SX is not coming to Detroit? Or
if it will ever come back?
Mike Gehres // Racer X Online
Mike, I know that Detroit’s Ford Field is a
challenge for Feld Motor Sports and the


Hi, I have just found your article “A Rare Old
Scramble on Camberley Heath” from August of
2002 (Vol. 5, No. 8). I was very interested, as it men-
tioned my grandfather, Frank Dean, who won the Cup
for best northerner’s performance at the Southern Scott
Scramble at Camberley on March 29, 1924. I thought
you may be interested to know that I have said cup.
Frances Stott // Racer X Online

Frances, we forwarded this email to our former col-
league Bryan Stealey, who went to England to write
that feature some 15 years ago, and he replied, “Oh.
My. God. He has the holy grail of motocross tro-
phies. Unbelievable.”

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