Racer X Illustrated — October 2017

(Sean Pound) #1
“Ever since my mom moved the beer
tent closer to the house and the win-
dows would be rattling at night from
the noise, I decided I would be
better off staying in town.”
GEICO Honda’s Jeremy Mar-
tin on why he quit staying at
his family home the night
before the Spring Creek
National, which is run
by his parents on
the family’s Mill-
ville, Minnesota,

“It’s always been a
dream of mine to
ride at the Stew-
art compound. I
am a big fan of
James. It’s been
my dream to ride
there for years,
and James is the
most gnarly dude
on a bike, and it
would be good to
see those guys.”
Jeffrey Herlings on visiting
Malcolm and James Stewart
when he attends the USGP in

“I would rather watch
a raccoon fight an
18-wheeler on I-90
than this match.
Anybody who pays
to see it should not
be allowed to cut
his own meat, let
alone handle his own
money. You know
what the difference
is between this and
human sacrifice?
Ring card women.”
Sports Illustrated columnist
Charles E. Pierce on the
Floyd Mayweather-Conor
McGregor fight.

“I ́m a mx fan but
these guys are like
the rugby guys of
MC. Manhood!!”
Comment by Swede68 in an
article on American Flat Track/
Racer X Online

“My tongue is still
on the track. Just
didn’t have enough
juice in me.”
Red Bull KTM’s Trey Canard on
his first race back, the Tennessee
National at Muddy Creek Race-
way. Canard finished 12th overall
after running up front both motos/
Racer X Online

“I just RSVP’d

to an online
invitation for

a dog birth-
day party

being held
in my own

home. Some-
times I worry

about our
Zac Commans



“The raven is sup-
posed to represent
the bird of death, and
I just got it because I’m
not scared of death and
risking my life every day.”
Yamalube/Star Racing Yamaha’s Aaron
Plessinger explains the large raven tat-
too across one side of his ribcage

“I shave pretty consistently
now! Okay, not really that
much. Consistently as in, like,
once every three weeks.”
Monster Energy/Pro Circuit Kawa-
saki’s Austin Forkner looks so
young that most people think he’s
still on a supermini, but he’s stick-
ing to his sparse shaving regimen

“I mean, AP is kind
of like that lanky
dude that could liter-
ally grab me with his
hand on my fore-
head and just hold it
out where I couldn’t
do anything.”
GEICO Honda’s Jeremy Martin
wants to incorporate some
UFC fighting into his training
at some point but would prefer
opponents shorter than Aaron
Plessinger when he jumps into
the cage

“I didn’t just shake my
tree; I cut it down and
planted a new seed.”
RCH/Yoshimura Suzuki’s Justin
Bogle made the tough decision to
hit the reset button on his career,
uprooting his entire program to be-
gin training with Ricky Carmichael
at the GOAT Farm

“They were
burning couch-
es and people
were naked on
top of buses....
I wasn’t even
allowed to
be here.”
Jeremy Martin on his
home track’s National
weekend when he was


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