Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — December 2017

(Amelia) #1
70 | December 2017


28 Dust around the edges of his
patterned smock in pearl ivory
and then gold. Also dust his
mittens and tiny touches on his
beard and eyelids.

27 He is looking wonderful at this
stage but needs a little colour to
bring him to life.

29 Pick up the texturing on his coat
edges with a little black pearl and
silver dust and on his staff as well.

30 Finally add in the tiny dots
on the royal icing design, his hat
and the bird with the metallic red
paint pen.

23 Using all but a pinch of the red
fl ower modelling paste (needed for
bird and berries), knead well and
roll into a long carrot. Flatten at the
ball end.

22 Form two small carrots for the
moustache then glue and tweak
into place with the Dresden tool.

24 Glue in place at the top of the
head and then drape down the
shoulders and across the arm. Glue
in place. With a Dresden tool, indent
in some creases and folds to give a
life-like look.

26 Wrap and glue some grey
paste around the last skewer and
mould two snowfl akes for the
top. Create a band at the top and
bottom, I indented with the side of
my scalpel for a pattern.

25 Colour some white paste in
two tones of soft green and create
random tiny leaves of holly and
mistletoe, fl owers and balls. They
can be more fantasy rather than
realistic – thank goodness.

p67-70_Jacqui Kelly_NEW.indd 70 06/10/2017 11:04

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