Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — December 2017

(Amelia) #1
72 | December 2017


Come join the conversation and show off your skills, let’s talk cake!

Slice of Social

From beginner to expert, we love to see the fantastic creations our readers have made. If you’d like
us to feature your work on these pages, please post pictures of your cakes to either our
Facebook or Twitter pages.

CMYK / .aiCMYK / .aiCMYK / .ai

We love to showcase the amazing
cakes our readers have made
and sent in. This month’s slice is
no exception, you are a talented
bunch! Please send your party
cakes to feature in our guide.

Leeanne x

Join us^ Follow us@CakeDecMag

CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai

Denise Knight
Two Stirs and A Lick Dessert
Studio - Phoenix, Arizona

Charlotte Seville

Shannon Dixon

Claire & Sean Tillet
Binxy Bakes Cakes

Denise Knight

Sarah Harris

Kirsty Ellis
Leanne Mellor Kirsty’s Kitchen Creations
Leannes Cake House

Shannon Dixon

Kirsty Ellis
Kirsty’s Kitchen Creations

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