Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — December 2017

(Amelia) #1 December 2017 | 75


Red velvet cheesecake

This recipe combines the two
bestsellers at Cake Boy – red velvet
and cheesecake. It does require a
little bit of effort, but it is worth it,
as the reward is an amazing-looking
and tasty cake.


  • 175g (6oz) butter, softened, plus
    extra for greasing

  • 150g (5oz) golden caster sugar

  • 2 eggs

  • 115g (4oz) self-raising fl our

  • 40g (1oz) plain fl our

  • 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

  • ¼ tsp bicarbonate of soda

  • 125ml (4fl oz) buttermilk

  • 2 tbsp red food colouring paste

  • oil, for greasing
    Serves: 12
    Preparation time: 25 minutes,
    plus cooling and overnight chilling
    Cooking time: 35 - 40 minutes

For the fi lling:

  • 250g (9oz) cream cheese, at room

  • 70g (2½ oz) golden caster sugar

  • 2 tbsp lemon juice

  • 2 tbsp warm water

  • 1½ tsp gelatine powder

  • 300ml ( ½ pint) double cream

For the frosting:

  • 250g (9oz) cream cheese, at room

  • 60g (2¼ oz) butter, softened

  • 85g (3oz) icing sugar, sifted

  • ¼ tsp vanilla bean paste

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C
(fan 160°C)/350°F/gas mark 4.
Grease a 20cm (8in) diameter deep
cake tin with butter and line the
base with baking paper.
2 In a large bowl, cream the
butter and sugar together until
pale and fl uffy. Beat in the eggs,
one at a time, beating well after
each addition. Sift the self-raising
fl our, plain fl our, cocoa powder
and bicarbonate of soda together,
then stir the fl our mixture and
buttermilk, in alternating batches,
into the butter mixture. Stir in the
food colouring.
3 Spoon the mixture into the
prepared tin and bake in the oven
for thirty-fi ve to forty minutes, or
until a skewer inserted into the
centre comes out clean. Leave to
cool in the tin for fi ve minutes,
then turn out on to a cooling rack
to cool completely.
4 To make the fi lling, beat the
cream cheese, sugar and lemon
juice together in a bowl until
smooth. Put the two tablespoons of
water into a heatproof jug and add
the gelatine.

5 Place the jug in a saucepan and
add boiling water to come halfway
up the side of the jug. Stir until
the gelatine dissolves (if it seizes,
stir gently over a low heat until it
dissolves). Pour into the fi lling and
beat until combined. Whip the
cream to soft peaks, then fold into
the cream cheese mixture.
6 Cut the cooled cake in half
horizontally and trim the top to
level it, reserving the trimmings
for decoration. Brush a 20cm (8in)
diameter springform cake tin with
oil. Line the base and sides with
clingfi lm, allowing it to overhang
the sides. Put the cake base, cut
side up, into the tin and spread
with the fi lling. Sandwich together
with the remaining cake. Fold over
the clingfi lm and leave to set in the
refrigerator overnight.
7 To make the frosting, beat the
cream cheese, butter, icing sugar
and vanilla paste together in a
bowl until well combined. Turn
the cake out on to a serving plate
and spread the frosting over the
top and sides. Decorate with the
reserved sponge crumbs.

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