Australian Knitting — October 2016

(Marcin) #1

46 Australian Knitting

Row 1: RS - K2, * yfwd, sl 1, K1,
psso, K2, rept from * to end.
Row 2: K3, * yfwd, sl 1, K1, psso, K2,
rept from * to last 3 sts, yfwd, sl 1,
K1, psso, K1.
These 2 rows form the patt.
Continue in patt until work measures
40.5 (42, 43, 44.5, 45.5, 45.5,
48.5, 48.5) cm, from commencement
finishing on a 2nd row. For shorter
version work 10cm less.
Cast off loosely.

Using 3.75mm needles, cast on 18
(22, 18, 22, 18, 22, 18, 22) sts.
Knit 1 row.

76 (86, 97, 107) cm, Sizes Only
Next Row: K5, K2tog, K2, yfwd, K1,
K2tog, yfwd, K2tog, K1, yfwd, K3.

(81, 91, 102, 112) cm, Sizes Only
Next Row: K5, yfwd, K2tog, K1,
K2tog, yfwd, K2tog, K1, yfwd, K3,
K2tog, yfwd, K2tog, K2. 21 sts.
Next Row: K3, yfwd, DL, K7, yfwd,
K2tog, K2, (yfwd, K2tog, K1) twice.
21 sts.

Next Row: K5, yfwd, (K2tog) twice,
yfwd, K2tog, K1, yfwd, K5, M1, K3.
22 sts.
Next Row: K2, K2tog, yfwd, K2tog,
K7, (K2tog, K1) twice, yfwd, K2tog,
K1. 19 sts.
Next Row: K5, K2tog, K2, yfwd, K1,
K2tog, yfwd, K2tog, K1, yfwd, DL, K3.
18 sts.

All Sizes
Row 1: K3, yfwd, sl the yfwd of
previous row, K2, M1, K3, C5F, yfwd,
K2tog, K1. 20 sts.
Row 2: Make picot, K6, K2tog, yfwd,
K2tog, K4, (K1, P1) into both yfwd
loops together as if they were a single
loop, K3. 19 sts.
Row 3: K2, K2tog, yfwd, K2tog, K10,
yfwd, K2tog, K1. 18 sts.
Row 4: K5, (yfwd, K1) twice, K2tog,
yfwd, K2tog, K3, yfwd, DL, K3. 19 sts.
Row 5: K3, M1, K7, M1, K1, M1, K2,
yfwd, K2tog, K1. 22 sts.
Row 6: Make picot, K4, yfwd, K2,
yfwd, K2tog, K1, yfwd, (K1, K2tog,
yfwd, K2tog) twice, K2. 22 sts.
Row 7: K3, yfwd, DL, K6, (yfwd,
K2tog, K1) 4 times. 22 sts.
Row 8: K5, (yfwd, K2tog, K1) 3 times,
yfwd, K2tog, K2, M1, K3. 23 sts.
Row 9: K2, K2tog, yfwd, K2tog, K5,
(yfwd, K2tog, K1) 4 times. 22 sts.
Row 10: Make picot, K4, (yfwd,
K2tog, K1) 3 times, yfwd, K2tog, K2,
yfwd, DL, K3. 22 sts.
Row 11: K3, M1, K6, (yfwd, K2tog,
K1) 4 times. 23 sts.
Row 12: K5, (yfwd, K2tog, K1) 4
times, K2tog, yfwd, K2tog, K2. 22 sts.
Row 13: As 7th row.
Row 14: Make picot, K4, (yfwd,
K2tog, K1) 3 times, yfwd, K2tog, K2,
M1, K3. 23 sts.
Row 15: As 9th row.
Row 16: K5, (yfwd, K2tog, K1) 3
times, yfwd, K2tog, K2, yfwd, DL, K3.
22 sts.
Row 17: K3, M1, K6, yfwd, (K2tog,
K1) twice, (yfwd, K2tog, K1) twice.
22 sts.
Row 18: Make picot, K4, yfwd, K2tog,
K1, K2tog, yfwd, K2tog, K1, yfwd, K3,
K2tog, yfwd, K2tog, K2. 21 sts.
Row 19: K3, yfwd, DL, K7, yfwd, K2tog,
K2, (yfwd, K2tog, K1) twice. 21 sts.

Row 20: K5, yfwd, (K2tog) twice,
yfwd, K2tog, K1, yfwd, K5, M1, K3.
22 sts.
Row 21: K2, K2tog, yfwd, K2tog, K7,
(K2tog, K1) twice, yfwd, K2tog,
K1. 19 sts.
Row 22: K5, K2tog, K2, yfwd, K1,
K2tog, yfwd, K2tog, K1, yfwd, DL, K3.
18 sts.

The last 22 rows form the pattern,
rept these 22 rows 5 (5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8,
8) times more.

76 (86, 97, 107) cm, Sizes Only
Work 1st and 2nd row once more.
Cast off.

(81, 91, 102, 112) cm, Sizes Only
Work 1st to 6th rows once.
Cast off.

Pin straight edge of lace edging to
cast off sts of Back easing slightly
to fit. Sew on by top sewing. Sew
2nd lace edging to Front in the same
With right side facing, join shoulder
seams from armhole edges by top
sewing for 7.5 (9, 10, 10, 11.5, 12.5,
14, 14) cm, matching picots.
Mark depth of armholes 17.5 (19,
20.5, 20.5, 23, 23, 24, 24) cm,
from shoulder seams.

Using 3.00mm needles, cast on 5 sts.
Knit 4 rows (1st row is right side).
Next Row: Make picot (see
abbreviations), K to end.
Knit 1 row.
Repeat the last 6 rows until edging
is long enough to fit round armhole
finishing on a wrong side row.
Cast off.

Pin straight edge of armhole edging
round armhole, sew on by top sewing.
Join side seams and armhole edgings
by top sewing.

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Lacy Sleeveless Sweater continued.

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