Australian Knitting — October 2016

(Marcin) #1

Australian Knitting 61

5ch, Popcorn B) in corner 5ch sp,
1ch, 1tr in next Popcorn, (1ch, 1tr
in next tr) twice, 1ch, 1tr in next
Popcorn, 1ch, rep from * twice,
(Popcorn B, 5ch, Popcorn B) in corner
5ch sp, 1ch, 1tr in last Popcorn, 1ch,
sl st in 3rd of 4ch at beg.
Round 4: 4ch, (1tr, 1ch) in each tr
to first Popcorn, 1tr in Popcorn, 1ch,

  • (Popcorn B, 5ch, Popcorn B) in corner
    5ch sp, 1ch, 1tr in next Popcorn, 1ch,
    (1tr, 1ch) in each tr to next Popcorn, 1tr
    in next Popcorn, 1ch, rep from * twice,
    (Popcorn B, 5ch, Popcorn B) in corner
    5ch sp, 1ch, 1tr in last Popcorn, 1ch,
    (1tr, 1ch) in each tr to end, sl st in 3rd
    of 4ch at beg.
    Rep round 4 another 5 times.
    Round 10: 3ch, 1tr in first ch sp,

  • (1tr in next tr, 1tr in next ch sp) to
    next Popcorn, 1tr in Popcorn, 7tr in
    corner, 1tr in next Popcorn, 1tr in next
    ch sp, rep from 3 times, (1tr in next
    tr, 1tr in next ch sp) to end, sl st in
    3rd ch at beg.
    Round 11: 3ch,
    1tr in each tr to
    centre tr at next corner, 3tr in centre
    tr, rep from * 3 times, 1tr in each tr to
    end, sl st in 3rd ch at beg.
    Fasten off.

Begin Side Panels
With RS of Motif facing and using
4mm hook, join yarn with a sl st in
centre tr of first corner.
Row 1: 3ch (counts as first tr), 1tr in
each of next 44tr, turn. 45tr.
Row 2: (1dc, 1ch) in first tr, 1ch,
miss 1tr, 1tr in next tr, rep from
Row 3: (1dc, 1ch) in first tr, 1tr in
ch sp, 1tr in next tr, rep from
to end.
Row 4: (1dc, 1ch) in first tr, 1tr in
each st to end.
Row 5: As row 4.
Rows 2 to 5 incl form patt.
Cont in patt until work measures
approx 36cm from centre of Motif,
ending with row 5.
Fasten off.
With RS of Motif facing and using
4mm hook, join yarn with a sl st in
centre tr of third corner.
Work as for first side panel, but do not
fasten off.

Begin Lower Panel
With RS facing, turn to work across
second side panel row ends, 3ch,
work 41tr evenly across second side
panel, work 49tr across side of motif,
then work 42tr evenly across first side
panel. 133tr.
Work in patt as for side panels, beg
with a 2nd row, until lower panel
measures approx 40cm from centre of
Motif, ending with row 5.
Fasten off.

Beg Upper Panel
With RS facing and using 4.00mm hook,
join yarn with a sl st in corner of first

side panel row ends, 3ch, work 41tr
evenly across first side panel, work 49tr
across side of motif, then work 42tr
evenly across second side panel. 133tr.
Work 3 rows patt as for side panels,
beg with row 2.

Shape Neck and Shoulders
Row 1: Sl st in each of first 4tr, 1dc in
each of next 4tr, 1htr in each of next
4tr, 1tr in each of next 37tr, Dec, 1tr in
next tr, turn, leaving rem sts unworked.
Row 2: (1dc, 1ch) in first tr, Dec, (1ch,
miss 1tr, 1tr in next tr) 12 times, 1htr in
each of next 4 sts, 1dc in each of next
4 sts, turn, leaving rem sts unworked.


  1. After working 5tr in next 5ch space, draw up the lp.

  2. Remove hook from lp, then insert hook from front to back through first of the 5tr.

  3. Replace lp on hook and draw through top of tr, reducing lp size to normal.

1 3


First Side

Second Side



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