Australian Knitting — January 2016

(Nandana) #1

24 Australian Knitting

With 2.75mm needles, cast on 106
(114, 122) sts.
Row 1: RS - K2; *p2, k2; rep from *
to end.
Row 2: WS - *P2, k2; rep from * to
last 2 sts, p2.
Row 3: P2; *k2, p2; rep from * to end.
Row 4: *K2, p2; rep from * to last 2
sts, k2.

Rep these 4 rows 2 (3, 3) times
Change to 3.25mm needles.
Cont in Stst until hat measures 11
(13, 15)cm from beg, end with a WS

Shape Top
Next Row: RS - K2, (k2tog, k11 (12,
13)) 8 times. 98 (106, 114) sts.
Next Row: WS and all other WS rows

  • Purl.
    Next Row: RS - K2, (k2tog, k10 (11,
    12)) 8 times. 90 (98, 106) sts.
    Next Row: RS - K2, (k2tog, k9 (10,
    11)) 8 times. 82 (90, 98) sts.
    Next Row: RS - K2, (k2tog, k8 (9,
    10)) 8 times. 74 (82, 90) sts.
    Next Row: RS - K2, (k2tog, k7 (8,
    9)) 8 times. 66 (74, 82) sts.
    Next Row: RS - K2, (k2tog, k6 (7,
    8)) 8 times. 58 (66, 74) sts.
    Next Row: RS - K2, (k2tog, k5 (6,
    7)) 8 times. 50 (58, 66) sts.
    Next Row: RS - K2, (k2tog, k4 (5,
    6)) 8 times. 42 (50, 58) sts.
    Next Row: RS - K2, (k2tog, k3 (4,

5)) 8 times. 34 (42, 50) sts.
Next Row: RS - K2, (k2tog, k2 (3,
4)) 8 times. 26 (34, 42) sts.
Next Row: RS - K2, (k2tog, k1 (2,
3)) 8 times. 18 (26, 34) sts.

Sizes 12-18 months (2-3 years)
Next Row: RS - K2, (k2tog, k1 (2))
8 times. 18 (26) sts.

Size 2-3 years only
Next Row: RS -K2, (k2tog, k1)
8 times. 18 sts.

Next Row: WS - P2tog across row
9 sts.
Break yarn leaving longer end, thread
yarn through rem sts, draw up tightly
and fasten off.
Join back seam.

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Jacket and Hat continued.

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