Today’s Golfer UK — December 2017

(ff) #1

Fault:Poor roll and distance
control on putts
Fix: Picture the level delivery of a
snooker cue

One of the fastest routes to better putting
is to improve transfer of energy from putter
to ball. When you achieve this, you can
start to trust that the power in your stroke
will send the ball the desired distance.

Good energy transfer also means
minimising bounce and skid off the blade,
helping the ball roll as soon as possible. To
make this more effective strike, simply
picture the way a snooker cue moves.

Cue-up a better stroke


Why you should take your lead from snooker on the greens

Levelled strike
Just like a putter, a snooker cue
needs to drive a stationary ball not up
or down, but forwards. To apply its
best transfer of energy, its movement
needs to be horizontal. The long, level
cue makes snooker one of the best
ways to picture this delivery.

Move the ball forward
To create the same smooth roll and efficient energy
transfer, the putter needs to pass through the ball in this
same, level fashion. The snooker cue image below will help
you, but also move the ball just forward of centre and keep
the shaft vertical through impact.

Down and out
At all costs, avoid a central ball position and forward shaft
lean through the ball. Both encourage a downward attack
angle that causes the ball to jump off the blade. Just move
the ball forward, picture that snooker delivery and you’ll
achieve a better roll.

PGA Golf Coach
and Creator of
the “Instant
Golfer” Lesson


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