Today’s Golfer UK — December 2017

(ff) #1


Focus on

your attack

The fundamental key to sweet, solid ball-striking is the ability to compress
the ball. The loft on the face of your irons means that to do that, you must
hit slightly down. Launch monitor Trackman recommends 3.2º down for a
6-iron and 3.9º down for a wedge. That’s not a massive amount. Here are
two ways to promote that subtle but vital descending blow.

Impact: Increase the gap
The ideal downswing sees a weight
shift into your lead side, giving your
swing a central-to-forward feel.
Check this by ensuring the gap
between the hip and cane increases.

Set-up: Trail hip guide
Take your regular set-up, playing the ball
centrally. This puts the swing’s low point

  • under your lead chest – holeside of
    the ball. Place a cane, brolly or old shaft
    just outside your trail foot, angled
    slightly inwards to copy the angle of the
    trail leg.

At the top: Create a gap
As you rotate, look to create a small gap
between the cane and hip, giving a
feeling of turning over the ball, not
swaying. A sway moves the swing’s low
point back, promoting an upward attack.

1 Think ‘central-to-forward’

Encourage this shift by
feeling your trail knee move
towards the target, not out
at the ball. This helps push
your lead chest and low
point slightly further
forward, guaranteeing that
smooth downward blow.


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