Today’s Golfer UK — December 2017

(ff) #1


Improve your

rhythm and flow

2 Improve your
rhythm Tempo

Of course technique is part of good putting, but you will
putt your best when you feel inspired and confident. To
get into that state you need to improve your perception
of the putt, the rhythm of the stroke and your ability to
flow smoothly into execution. Use this three-stage plan.

For a great way to make your
stroke smoother, think in terms of
how long your stroke takes. Good
tempo means that, whatever the
length of the putt, the stroke takes
the same length of time; the putter
simply moves slower on shorter
putts, faster on longer ones.
Work on this by placing four
tees either side of the ball to
represent a shorter and longer
stroke. Count “one, two” as you
swing back and through over the
inner tees; then keep the same
“one-two’ count pace for the outer
tees. That pace is personal to you,
but keep it constant and you’ll feel
better flow in your stroke.

Reality check
With your eyes still shut, walk down towards the
hole and put the butt of the putter where you
think it is. Now open them and see how close
your perception matched reality. The better this
becomes, the more accurately you will putt.


1 Improve your
perception Blind test

To an extent we all putt ‘blind’ – in other words,
we don’t look at the hole as we putt. That
means we are reliant on our perception of
where the hole is. But how good is yours? To
find out, set up to a straight 20ft putt. Address
the ball... then close your eyes.
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