The MagPi - July 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1

(^18) July 2018
t’s been a long time
coming, but finally there’s
a proper way to install
full Android on your Raspberry Pi
thanks to emteria.OS. Based on
RTAndroid, this stable version is a
bit more aimed towards business;
however, more personal-use
versions will be coming soon.
Here’s how to set it up.
Installing Android onto your Raspberry Pi made easy

  1. Desktop
    The main desktop will be familiar
    to those that have used Android
    as a tablet device.

  2. Mouse control
    While emteria.OS does work
    with a number of Raspberry Pi
    touchscreens, you can still use it
    with a mouse and keyboard.


  1. F-Droid
    F-Droid is an app store alternative
    available on emteria.OS, allowing
    you to install a number of free apps.

  2. App drawer
    All your other apps live in here
    and, like on other Android devices,
    you can move them onto your
    main display.

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