The MagPi - July 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1 July 2018 91


when talking to us about Coretec.
“Over the next year or so, I will be
releasing helpful breakout boards
for making robotics and making a
little easier.”
Brian also tries to attend as many
events as possible, from Maker
Faires to Raspberry Jams, and can

often be found demonstrating
Micro Pi Noon, based on Michael
Horne and Tim Richardson’s Pi
Wars Pi Noon challenge. Two
competitors battle to pop the
balloons attached to each other’s
robots; the last to retain an inflated
balloon is the winner. “Thousands
of balloons have been sacrificed to
the maker gods,” he admits.

When it comes to discussing his
project builds and robots, Brian
is first to list the people to whom
he’s beholden. “I like to thank the
people who have supported me in
my adventures in making, first of
all the members of Makespace for
helping me turn my crazy ideas into

working things,” he begins, before
mentioning organisations such as
Pimoroni, Tim and Mike (the minds
behind Pi Wars), and makers Robert
Karpinski and Mark Mellows “for
checking my electronic designs and
answering my silly questions and
their help in being awarded a blue
ribbon at this year’s Maker Faire UK
in Newcastle.”


Brian’s digital zoetrope uses 12 Adafruit OLED screens
connected to a Raspberry Pi. Each screen displays a
single frame of a video; when the device is spun, the
video can be viewed through gaps in the outer wall.
A modern take on a mid-19th century classic.

When it comes to robots, Brian is the Cambridge maker
extraordinaire. From the A6-sized Tiny to the whopping
Revenge, his robots dominate competitions and
Raspberry Jams alike.

The Naughty or Nice machine determines your level
of naughtiness in time for the arrival of Santa. And for
some ‘unknown reason’, smaller hands tend to boost
the level of niceness.

Thousands of balloons have been

sacrificed to the maker gods

Brian won a blue ribbon
at this year’s Maker
Faire Newcastle for his
robot builds, including
the six-wheel Revenge
and A6-sized Tiny

Micro Pi Noon pits balloon-clad
robots against each other, with
the last balloon holder standing
hailed the winner
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