Open Source For You — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1
Insight Admin | OPEN SOURCE FOR YOU | DECEMBER 2017 | 29

Figure 1: Checking the status of SELinux

Figure 3: Default configuration file of SELinux

Figure 2: Changing the SELinux mode to enforcing mode

to the command. Often, the -t option is
used to specify only the type component
of the context.
The restorecon command is the
preferred method for changing the
SELinux context of a file or directory.
Unlike chcon, the context is not
explicitly specified when using this
command. It uses rules in the SELinux
policy to determine what the context of
a file should be.

Defining SELinux
default file context rules
The semanage fcontext command can
be used to display or modify the rules
that the restorecon command uses to set
the default file context. It uses extended
regular expressions to specify the path
and filenames. The most common
extended regular expression used in
fcontext rules is (/.*)? which means
“optionally match a / followed by any
number of characters.” It matches the
directory listed before the expression
and everything in that directory
The restore command is part of the
policycoreutil package and semanage
is part of the policycoreutil-Python
As shown in Figure 6, the
permission is preserved by using the
mv command while the cp command
will not preserve the permission, which
will be the same as that of the parent
directory. To restore the permission, run
restorecon which will give the parent
directory permission to access the files.
Figure 7 shows how to use
semanage to add a context for a new
directory. First, change the context of
the parent directory using the semanage
command, and then use the restorecon
command to restore the parent
permission to all files contained in it.

SELinux Booleans
SELinux Booleans are switches that
change the behaviour of the SELinux
policy. These are rules that can be
enabled or disabled, and can be used
by security administrators to tune the
policy to make selective adjustments.

Figure 4: Checking the context of files

Figure 5: Restoring context of the file with the
parent directory

temporarily allow access to content that
SELinux is restricting. No reboot is
required to go from enforcing mode to
permissive mode.
Disabled mode: This mode
completely disables SELinux. A system
reboot is required to disable SELinux
entirely, or to go from disabled mode to
enforcing or permissive mode.

SELinux status
To check the present status of SELinux,
run the sestatus command on a
terminal. It will tell you the mode of


Changing the current
SELinux mode
Run the command setenforce with
either 0 or 1 as the argument. A value
of 1 specifies enforcing mode; 0 would
specify permissive mode.


Setting the default
SELinux mode
The configuration file that determines
what the SELinux mode is at boot
time is /etc/selinux/config. Note that it
contains some useful comments.
Use /etc/selinux/config to change
the default SELinux mode at boot time.
In the example shown in Figure 3, it is
set to enforcing mode.

Initial SELinux context
Typically, the SELinux context of a
file’s parent directory determines the
initial SELinux context. The context
of the parent directory is assigned to
newly created files. This works for
commands like vim, cp and touch.
However, if a file is created elsewhere
and the permissions are preserved (as
with mv cp -a), the original SELinux
context will be unchanged.

Changing the SELinux
context of a file
There are two commands that are used
to change the SELinux context of a

file—chcon and restorecon. The chcon
command changes the context of a file
to the context specified as an argument
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