Open Source For You — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Admin Let's Try



he burgeoning demand for scalability has driven
technology into a new era with a focus on distributed
and virtual resources, as opposed to the conventional
hardware that drives most systems today. Virtualisation is
a method for logically dividing the computing resources
for a system between different applications. Tools offer
either full virtualisation or para-virtualisation for a system,
driving away from the ‘one server one application’ model
that typically under-utilises resources, towards a model
that is focused on more efficient use of the system. In
hardware virtualisation, a virtual machine gets created and
behaves like a real computer with an operating system. The
terminology, ‘host’ and ‘guest’ machine, is utilised for the
real and virtual system respectively. With this paradigm
shift, software and service architectures have undergone a
transition to virtual machines, laying the groundwork for
distributed and cloud computing.

Enterprise infrastructure
The classical definition of enterprise infrastructure — the
data centre, a crucial piece of the puzzle serving to bolster

As a server configuration management tool, Puppet offers an automated way to
inspect, deliver and operate software regardless of its deployment. It provides
control and enforces consistency, while allowing for any of the modifications
dictated by business needs.

the operations of the company — is evolving in a manner
that would have been hard to fathom a decade ago. It
was originally built as isolated chunks of machinery
pieced together into a giant to provide storage and
network support for day-to-day operations. Archetypal
representations include a mass of tangled wires and rolled
up cables connecting monster racks of servers churning
data minute after minute. A few decades ago, this was the
norm; today companies require much more flexibility, to
scale up and down!
With the advent of virtualisation, enterprise infrastructure
has been cut down, eliminating unnecessary pieces of
hardware, and managers have opted for a cloud storage
network that they can scale on-the-fly. Today, the business
of cloud service providers is booming because not only
startups but corporations, too, are switching to a virtual
internal infrastructure to avoid the hassles of preparing and
maintaining their own set of servers, especially considering
the man hours required for the task. Former US Chief
Information Officer (CIO) Vivek Kundra’s paper on Federal
Cloud Computing, states: “It allows users to control the

A Brief Introduction to


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