Open Source For You — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Developers Insight

var text =””;
text += x.elements[0].value;
text = text.replace(/I am/i,”We are”);

Open the file regex4.html in a Web browser and you will
see a text box to enter data and a Submit button. If you enter
a string like ‘I am good’, you will see the output message ‘we
are good’ displayed on the Web page. Let us analyse the code
in detail to understand how it works. There is an HTML form
which contains the text box to enter data, with a button that,
when pressed, will call a JavaScript method called check( ).
The JavaScript code is placed inside the <script> tags. The
following line of code gets the elements in the HTML form:

var x = document.getElementById(“f1”);

In this case, there is only one element in the HTML form,
the text box. The following line of code reads the content of
the text box to the variable text:

text += x.elements[0].value;

The following line of code uses the replace( ) method to
test for a regular expression pattern and if a match is found,
the matched substring is replaced with the replacement string:

text = text.replace(/I am/i,”We are”);

In this case, the regular expression pattern is /I am/i and
the replacement string is We are. If you observe carefully, you
will see that the regular expression pattern is followed by an
‘i’. Well, we came across similar constructs throughout the
series. This ‘i’ is an example of a regular expression flag, and
this particular one instructs the regular expression engine to
perform a case-insensitive match. So, you will get a match
whether you enter ‘I AM’, ‘i am’ or even ‘i aM’.
There are other flags also like g, m, etc. The flag g will
result in a global match rather than stopping after the first
match. The flag m is used to enable the multi-line mode. Also
note the fact that the replace( ) method did not replace the
contents of the variable text; instead, it returned the modified
string, which then was explicitly stored in the variable text. The
following line of code writes the contents on to the Web page:


Figure 3 shows the input for the script regex4.html and
Figure 4 shows the output.
A method called match( ) is also provided by the String

object for regular expression processing. Search( ) returns the
starting index of the matched substring, whereas the match( )
method returns the matched substring itself. What will happen
if we replace the line of code:

text = text.replace(/I am/i,”We are”); regex4.html with the following code?

text = text.match(/\d+/);

If you open the file regex5.html having this modification,
enter the string article part 5 in the text box and press the
Submit button. You will see the number ‘5’ displayed on the
Web page. Here the regular expression pattern is /\d+/ which
matches for one or more occurrences of a decimal digit.
Another method provided by the String object for regular
expression processing is the split( ) method. This breaks the
string on which it was called into an array of substrings, using
the regular expression pattern as the separator. For example,
replace the line of code:

text = text.replace(/I am/i,”We are”); regex4.html with the code:

text = text.split(“.”); obtain regex6.html.
If you open the file regex6.html, enter the IPv4 address in dotted-decimal notation on the text box and
press the Submit button. From then on, the IPv4 address will
be displayed as ‘192, 100, 50, 10’. The IPv4 address string is
split into substrings based on the separator ‘.’ (dot).

Figure 3: Input to regex4.html

Figure 4: Output of regex4.html
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