Open Source For You — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Developers Let's Try


latform as a Service or PaaS is a cloud computing
service model that reduces the complexity of building
and maintaining the computing infrastructure. It gives
an easy and accessible environment to create, run and deploy
applications, saving developers all the chaotic work such as
setting up, configuring and managing resources like servers
and databases. It speeds up app development, allowing users
to focus on the application itself rather than worry about the
infrastructure and runtime environment.
Initially, PaaS was available only on the public cloud.
Later, private and hybrid PaaS options were created. Hybrid
PaaS is typically a deployment consisting of a mix of public
and private deployments. PaaS services available in the cloud
can be integrated with resources available on the premises.
PaaS offerings can also include facilities for application
design, application development, testing and deployment.
PaaS services may include team collaboration, Web service
integration, marshalling, database integration, security,
scalability, storage, persistence, state management, application
versioning and developer community facilitation, as well as

OpenShift is Red Hat’s container application platform that brings Docker and
Kubernetes into play when deployed. With OpenShift, you can easily and quickly
build, develop and deploy applications, irrespective of the platform being used. It is
an example of a Platform as a Service.

mechanisms for service management, such as monitoring,
workflow management, discovery and reservation.
There are some disadvantages of using PaaS. Every user
may not have access to the full range of tools or to the high-
end tools like the relational database. Another problem is that
PaaS is open only for certain platforms. Users need to depend
on the cloud service providers to update the tools and to stay
in sync with other changes in the platform. They don’t have
control over this aspect.

OpenShift is an example of a PaaS and is offered by Red
Hat. It provides an API to manage its services. OpenShift
Origin allows you to create and manage containers.
OpenShift helps you to develop, deploy and manage
applications which are container-based, and enables
faster development and release life cycles. Containers are
standalone processes, with their own environment, and are
not dependent on the operating system or the underlying
infrastructure on which they run.

Simplify and Speed Up

App Development with OpenShift

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