Open Source For You — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1 | OPEN SOURCE FOR YOU | DECEMBER 2017 | 89

Let's Try Developers


loud Foundry is an open source, Platform as a Service
(PaaS) offering, governed by the Cloud Foundry
Foundation. You can deploy it on AWS, Azure, GCP,
vSphere or your own computing infrastructure.

The different landscapes for applications
Let’s take a step back and quickly check out all the landscapes
for applications. If you want an application to cater to one of
your needs, there are several ways of getting it to do so.

  1. Traditional IT: In a traditional landscape, you can procure
    your infrastructure, manage all the servers, handle the data
    and build applications on top of it. This gives you the most
    control, but also adds operational complexity and cost.

  2. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): In this case, you can
    buy or lease the infrastructure from a service provider,
    install your own operating system, programming runtimes,
    databases, etc, and build your custom applications on top
    of it. Examples include AWS, Azure, etc.

  3. Platform as a Service (PaaS): With this, you get a
    complete platform from the service provider, with the
    hardware, operating system, and runtimes managed by the
    service provider --you can build applications on top of it.
    Examples include Cloud Foundry, OpenShift, etc.

  4. Software as a Service (SaaS): Here, the service provider has
    already a pre-built application running on the cloud —if it suits
    your needs, you just get a subscription and use it. There might
    be a pre-existing application to meet your needs but if there
    isn’t, this offering provides very little room for customisation.
    Examples include Gmail, Salesforce, etc.

Cloud Foundry is an industry standard cloud application platform.
Developers can use it to build apps without having to worry about the nitty
gritty of hardware and software maintenance. By focusing solely on the
application, they can be more productive.

Why opt for a PaaS offering like Cloud Foundry?
Choosing a PaaS offering has multiple benefits. It
abstracts away the hardware and infrastructure details
so your workforce can concentrate more on application
development, and you require very few operations to be
managed by the IT team. This leads to faster turnaround
times for your applications and better cost optimisation. It
also helps in rapid prototyping as you have the platform
taken care of; so you can build prototypes around your
business problems more rapidly.

Cloud Foundry: A brief description
Cloud Foundry is multi-cloud, open source software that can
be hosted on AWS, Azure, GCP or your own stack. Since
Cloud Foundry is open source, you get application portability
out-of-the-box, i.e., you are not locked in to a vendor. You
can build your apps on it and move them across any of the
Cloud Foundry providers.
The Cloud Foundry project is managed by the Cloud
Foundry Foundation, whose mission is to establish and
sustain the development of the platform and to provide
continuous innovation and value to the users and operators
of Cloud Foundry. The members of the Cloud Foundry
Foundation include Cisco, Dell, EMC, GE, Google, IBM,
Microsoft, Pivotal, SAP, SUSE and VMware.
From a developer’s point of view, Cloud Foundry has
support for buildpacks and services. Buildpacks provide
the framework and runtime support for apps. Typically,
they examine your apps to determine what dependencies
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