128 Chapter 8
From 6 weeks:
● As at 5 weeks, but whilst being handled, each kitten is occasionally carried a short
distance away from the queen and littermates.
● Playtime with a toy is increased.
At 7–9 weeks:
● As at 6 weeks but play and handling sessions away from the mother and litter-
mates are increased in length and frequency.
Frequency of handling and other considerations
● Kittens need a lot of sleep, they also need time to play with littermates and explore
their environment. It is therefore important to allow them to engage in these activ-
ities and do not disturb them if they are sleeping.
● After 2–3 weeks of age the kittens should be handled daily for a minimum of
30–60 minutes in total, divided into short periods.
● They should be handled regularly by a minimum of four different people, prefer-
ably more.
● They should be handled by people of varying ages, gender and appearance
(Fig. 8.4).
● Handling by strangers, especially children, must always be supervised, and advise
visitors how to correctly handle and interact with the kittens.
● Always consider the kitten’s health and possible risks of infection:
● Encourage people to wash their hands before handling the kittens.
● A clean blanket or towel draped over the person’s lap can help to minimize
contact with a stranger’s clothes, plus it can act as an additional ‘comforter’
for the kitten if it contains familiar scents.
● Any animals, especially other cats, that come into contact with the kittens
must be healthy and fully vaccinated.
Fig. 8.4. Kittens between the age of 2 and 7 weeks of age should be gently handled by a
variety of people. Handling, especially by young children, must be supervised.