Cruising World – August 2019

(vip2019) #1


ruising down the California coast in the long, lazy days of late summer was extremely satisfying.

Despite much of the conventional wisdom, the bays and harbors that dot the shore are actually

well-situated for comfortable daysailing, and slow-paced mornings segue into exhilarating after-

noons galloping ahead of the sea breeze to reach the next anchorage by sundown. § As my husband, Neil, and

I sailed southward aboard our Liberty 458 sloop, Distant Drummer, we sought out attractions to amuse even

the most seasoned cruiser; nature and history provide a wealth of interesting places to explore, the cities are

teeming with shopping, and there is a plethora of sights to see from fun parks to fi lm studios.

While cruising in California, I was
captivated by the tales of R.H. Dana,
who spent two years aboard a Boston brig
loading hides between San Francisco and
San Diego. His memoir Two Years Before
the Mast served as an intriguing cruising
guide, and it was interesting to compare
our passage of today with his voyage
nearly 200 years ago.

After a voyage south from Alaska, we had
been in the San Francisco Bay area for six
weeks, and had explored most of its nooks
and crannies. We had cruised up the
Delta, hung out around the Bay, and sailed
under the Golden Gate Bridge enough
times to fi nally catch it unadorned by
its habitual foggy shroud. As we passed
under the bridge for the fi nal time, we
were graced with a visit from a pair of
humpback whales. It was fantastic to
watch them surfacing and breaching so
close to the entrance to the bay.
The passage from San Francisco to
Monterey was a leisurely three-day cruise,
motor-sailing in the gentle morning
breeze until a brisk northwesterly fi lled
in during the early afternoon. The fi rst
night we tucked in behind the breakwater
at Half Moon Bay and stopped for the
second night at Santa Cruz. We dropped
the hook on the east side of the pier, slap-
bang in front of the world-famous Santa
Cruz Beach Boardwalk. As an afi cionado
of fairground kitsch, I rushed ashore to
revel in all the fun of the fair. Later, as we
tried to sleep, it was not the throbbing
music and screams from the amusement
park that kept us awake, but the raucous
barking and snorting from the sea lion
colony beneath the pier.
Crossing the bay to Monterey on a
crisp, blue-sky day with a 20-knot breeze
on the starboard quarter was magical sail-
ing; we were almost sorry to arrive there.
A mooring fi eld occupies the area to the
west of Fisherman’s Wharf, so we an-
chored on the east side and settled in for
a calm, clear night. Monterey Harbor is
one of the few anchorages that is exposed

to winds from the north, but luckily the
breeze had backed to the southwest and
we were protected behind Point Pinos.
Back in the early-1800s, Monterey
was the seat of the Spanish government
and boasted the only custom house on
the California coast, which can still be
found standing in the presidio by the
wharf. We sauntered along Cannery Row
past the old clapboard sardine-canning
factories, which have been renovated
and transformed into fashionable shops
and restaurants. The town was lively with
summer tourists, but we saw no sign of
the “cock-fi ghting, gambling of all sorts,
fandangos, and every kind of amusement
and knavery” that Dana reported. It’s a
shame, really—it sounded like fun!
Heading south from Monterey, we had
a boisterous overnight passage around
Point Sur with a 6 -foot swell and the wind
gusting over 40 knots on the starboard
beam. At sunrise we noticed that a seam
close to the top of the mainsail had split,
so we decided to stop in Morro Bay to
repair it. We slipped through the channel
between the sand spit and the peak of
Morro Rock, and thankfully dropped the
hook in the anchorage area opposite the
old power plant. A colony of sea otters
lives in Morro Bay, and they are constantly
diving and feeding, playing with and
nursing their fl uffy pups in the tranquil
water. Watching their antics provided a
perfect distraction as I sat in a billow of
canvas stitching the mainsail.
Point Conception is a cape with an
unhealthy reputation for strong winds and
rough water; Dana reported “gales, swept
decks [and the] topmast carried away.”
We were somewhat luckier, enjoying a
beautiful sail from Morro Bay to Santa
Barbara in a 15- to 20-knot breeze with a
full jib and two reefs in the newly stitched
mainsail. We stopped overnight in Cojo
anchorage, a small cove that shelters
behind Point Conception and has a great
view of the lighthouse. It is one of the

oldest lighthouses on the California coast
but is rarely visited because land access
is restricted by the military and a private
ranch, so only mariners get to see it.

Santa Barbara is a day’s sail from Point

Catalina is a remarkable island (top).
In San Diego, the schooner America
glides past the USS Ronald Reagan.


























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