Diabetic Living Australia – July-August 2019

(Barré) #1
Scientists from
Maastricht University
Medical Centre in the Netherlands
discovered women who exercised (i.e.
walked the dog, cycled and gardened) for
30-60 minutes a day were 21 per cent more likely
to reach the milestone than those who did less than
30 minutes. However, any more than 60 minutes
a day can have a detrimental effect. Men who
exercised 30 minutes a day were 34 per cent more
likely to reach the age of 90, but this rose to
39 per cent when they performed more than
90 minutes of exercise a day. Scientists are unclear
why the impact of exercise differs across genders.

Live to

a ripe

old age

Diabetes Institute, and The University
of Western Australia

A new protein, neuronostatin,
has been found in the pancreas
by researchers at Saint Louis
University, Missouri, who
believe it could be used to
prevent hypoglycaemia in
insulin-dependent people.
When injected into rats,
researchers found the protein
forced the pancreas to raise
BGLs. They also reported, at this
year’s American Physiological
Society’s meeting, that the
human pancreas tissue released
more neuronostatin when BGLs
were low, and increased the
levels of this protein when
glucagon treatment was used.


Today, there is an increasing number HOPE
of Aussies living with allergies
and food intolerances. As a result,
people are becoming more cautious
about what they are putting into,
and on, their bodies. The Allergy
Show and Free From Show were
created in response to this and are
displaying an array of food, beauty
and household products.
The first ever shows will be held
in Melbourne, from 12-14 July,

  1. More locations and dates to
    come. For more information, visit
    freefromshow.com.au or



Ever wondered what
the secret is to living
to your 90s?

Exercising in the
morning, combined
with frequent walking
breaks throughout
the day, are more
likely to boost short-
term memory in
adults over the
age of 55.

your healthy life

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