Diabetic Living Australia – July-August 2019

(Barré) #1

Big changes start with simple

steps. Try these ideas to help

improve your wellbeing


better in 5



Doctors have warned this flu season could
be the worst yet. And people with diabetes
are three times more likely to be hospitalised
and three times more likely to die from the
flu (and complications such as pneumonia)
than people who do not have diabetes.
By now, your flu vaccine should be
working (people with diabetes are eligible
for a free influenza vaccine each year), but
there are other precautions you should take:
● Regularly wash your hands with soap.
● Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue,
or your elbow, when you cough or sneeze.
● Immediately throw your tissues away.
● Do not share personal items (such as food
and drinks, cups, plates or cutlery).
● Stay at home and keep warm.
● Keep up your fruit and veg to ensure
you get plenty of vitamins.

good advice

132 JULY/AUGUST 2019 diabetic living
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