Diabetic Living Australia – July-August 2019

(Barré) #1

Eating fewer carbs doesn’t mean

missing out on flavour. Check

out these lighter ideas from our

food editor Alison Roberts


on carbs

pre-prepared or you can
make it yourself. Simply
cut cauliflower into small
florets and then blitz in a
food processor until
almost rice-like in texture.
To prepare, simply steam,
microwave or follow packet
instructions. Try it as a side
dish as an alternative to
rice, or use in place of rice
to make a low-carb version
of fried rice (best to steam,
then stir-fry when using
this way).

Say yes to bread!
The Herman Brot Protein Bun is about to hit the
market, so keep your eyes open! With only 7.7g
carbs, a GI of 31 and 19.3g protein per bun, it is
one not to miss. The Herman Burger is made from
pure plant protein, making it perfect for vegans
and vegetarians, or for anyone looking for new
ways to boost their protein intake. Try filling
with a big helping of fresh rocket, sliced tomato,
grated carrot and sliced beetroot for a tasty and
filling lunch. For more information and stockists,
visit hermanbrot.com.au.



82 JULY/AUGUST 2019 diabetic living

After a low-carb swap for
some of your fave carbs?
Why not try using zucchini
noodles as an alternative to
pasta! All you need to do is
simply blanch them and
use as you would pasta.
You can buy pre-prepared
zucchini noodles or make
your own using a hand or
machine spiraliser.
Or in place of rice, try
cauliflower rice. Again,
this can be purchased

cook’s tips

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