Guide to Wellness – July 2019

(singke) #1

Sip Away Headaches

Whether you have headaches

frequently or only occasion-

ally, “the first thing to do

if you get one is drink a

tall glass of water or two,”

says Robin Foroutan, M.S.,

R.D.N., an integrative nutri-

tion ist in New York City

and a spokeswoman for the

Academy of Nutrition and

Dietetics. “Dehydration is

a common cause of head-

aches, so water may address

the pain right away.”

Having a snack with a

combination of fiber-rich

carbs, protein, and healthy

fat may also help because

it prevents blood sugar

dips, which can trigger

headaches, Foroutan adds.

A good combo snack

is an apple with a handful

of walnuts.

Consider, too, whether

you’ve had your usual dose

of caffeine in the past couple

of days, because caffeine

withdrawal can cause head-

aches. In addition, blood

vessels may enlarge dur-

ing a headache and caffeine

can constrict them, so

coffee or tea might offer

A HEALTHY DIET—one with abundant quantities

of produce and whole grains, and moderate amounts

of “good” fats and lean protein—can help prevent

and control chronic conditions such as diabetes and

heart disease. But certain foods can have a more

immediate benefit and may help tame common health

problems such as headaches and insomnia. So the next

time you experience one of the conditions below,

consider heading to your kitchen before you open

your medicine cabinet.

some relief, the National
Headache Foundation says.
For some people, how-
ever, caffeine can set off a
headache, so if that happens
to you, skip the java. But
if you experience migraines,
be aware that substances
reputed to trigger these
headaches—aged cheese,
cured meats, chocolate, arti-
ficial sweeteners, MSG, and
soy—are to blame much less
often than you might think.
“The prevalence of food
triggers is really overstated,
but people who have them
tend to figure it out pretty
quickly,” says Mark W.
Green, M.D., director of
the Center for Headache
and Pain Medicine and a
neurology professor at the
Icahn School of Medicine
at Mount Sinai in New York
City. “Alco hol is the one
excep tion; it’s more likely to
cause a headache than other
foods, especially if it’s heav-
ily fermented, such as red
wine.” And if you suspect
that certain foods bring on
your headaches, keeping a
food diary can help you pin-
point dietary culprits.

Calm Nausea
With a Spice
Ginger has been extensively
studied as a potential rem-
edy for nausea, especially
during chemotherapy and
pregnancy. A 2016 review of
research, published in the
journal Integrative Medicine
Insights, found ginger to
be effective and safe. It seems
to help by moving food
out of the stomach quickly,
and possibly turning off
neuro transmitters such as
serotonin that can contri-
bute to nausea.
To make ginger tea, steep
1½ teaspoons of freshly
grated ginger in 1½ cups
of boiling water. (Add a
little honey if you like.)
Let it sit for 10 minutes,
then strain the ginger out
before drinking.
And don’t think you have
to stick with rice and dry
toast during a bout of nau-
sea. William Chey, M.D.,
a gastroenterologist and
professor of medicine and
nutrition at the University of
Michigan in Ann Arbor, says
evidence doesn’t support
long- standing advice to eat
only bland foods. He recom-
mends eating small, frequent
meals rich in protein, espe-
cially chicken and fish, and
vegetable proteins.
“Red meat is hard to
digest,” Chey says. “There
are other proteins that seem
to move through the stomach
more quickly. Plus, they don’t
cause the same gastric sensa-
tions that fats do,” he adds.

Fats can make the stomach
overly sensitive, leading to
pain, fullness, and nausea.

Zap Heartburn
The typical dietary advice
for fighting heartburn and
gastroesophageal reflux dis-
ease (GERD) is to eat smaller,
more frequent meals,
skip spicy foods, avoid caf-
feine, and avoid eating or
drinking within 3 to 4 hours
of bedtime.
If the burning sensation
strikes anyway, try having a
banana. Some research sug-
gests that the fruit may act as
a natural antacid.
Another remedy: Chew
sugarless gum. Studies have
found that it may decrease
reflux after a meal.
Long-term, consider cut-
ting back on sugars. A 16-
week study of obese women,
published in the journal
Alimentary Pharmacology
and Therapeutics, found that
reducing refined carbohy-
drates, especially sucrose
(table sugar), eliminated
symptoms in those who com-
plained of GERD at the start
of the trial.

‘ Alcohol is

more likely

to cause a


than other


especially if

it’s heavily


such as red

wine,’ says


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