Motorcycle Mojo – July 2019

(avery) #1

For additional photos of

New Orleans to Nashville visit:

including the Rolling Stones, Bob

Dylan, Paul Simon, and, of course,

Lynyrd Skynyrd.

When Opportunity Knocks

Nearing the end of the day, I stopped

on the banks of the Tennessee

River, where, in the early 1800s, a

half-Chickasaw entrepreneur named

George Colbert ran an inn, farmed and

operated a ferry. Where travellers of

the Trace had no alternative, Colbert

saw opportunity, once charging

Andrew Jackson $75,000 to ferry his

Tennessee Army across the river.

Arriving at Meriwether Lewis

Campground in Tennessee, the third


a memorial to Lewis, the talented

secretary to Thomas Jefferson and

half of the Lewis and Clark duo that


was the location of Lewis’ mysterious


sprinkle kept me looking skyward as I

unrolled my bivy and cooked dinner on

my camp stove. I soon found myself in

conversation with four neighbouring

campers who between them had 74

years of trucking experience and, by

their own description, were “as redneck

as Tennessee makes ’em.” As we said

our goodnights, one of the wives


“Here. You should have this,

travelling alone,” she said. Then taking

my hand in both of hers, she added, “Be


Morning came early but it was clear

and sunny. I was on the Trace before 7

o’clock and almost as quickly turned

off the road. I had heard about Yoder’s

Homestead Market, and I thought I’d

get breakfast there. But when I pulled

up, it was closed.

“I thought the Amish got up early,” I

said to myself. “I saw Witness.”

Then I realized it was Sunday. Of

course they were closed!

So I continued on to Leiper’s Fork,

one of the oldest American villages on

the Trace. It was a picturesque little

gathering of shops, including Puckett’s

Grocery, where I intended to stop for

fuel and coffee. But when I smelled the

biscuits and gravy, I had to settle into

a booth and place an order. Several

bikes were parked out front, and riders

sat at the open-air tables enjoying the

morning sunshine.

After riding through days of forests,

centuries of history and little to remind

me of modern civilization, I came at

last to Mile Marker 447, the northern

terminus of the Trace. That brought me

to the city of Nashville with all its rush

and glitter – which could be an adventure

in itself. But as I turned my front wheel

toward home, I knew I’d be thinking

back longingly to the quiet nights and

pensive days along forgotten paths.

Constructed in 1861, Windsor mansion was

located on a plantation that covered

1,100 hectares. The owner died only weeks after

its completion. The building survived the Civil War


All was lost but these columns and ironwork.
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