Denver Life Magazine – April 2019

(Jeff_L) #1

atlas pets








26 | APRIL 2019^

Ask Dr. Kev



Last night I saw my cat play with something. It turned out to be a spider—a black widow! I got it away from
her, and she’s showing no problems, but how dangerous could this have been?

A: More than 20,000 species of spiders are found in North
America, and all but two are venomous. Thankfully, only about 50
have fangs that can puncture mammalian skin. In general, hunting
spiders (like the brown recluse) have more potent venoms than
web spinners—with the notable exception of black widows. This
spider is found in every state but Alaska and prefers dark, dry,
draftless areas like woodpiles, garages, basements, attics, closets,
cupboards, and sheds. Males are venomous but cannot deliv-
er a toxic bite; females can be 20 times the size of males. Most
bites on pets and people occur in the winter when spiders come

inside houses. Clinical signs of black widow bites develop 30 to
60 minutes after a bite. Dogs and cats show severe pain, muscle
cramping, tremors, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal tenderness.
Cats are more susceptible and may howl in pain. Rarely will you
see the bite punctures—or the spider. Treatments include pain
management, muscle relaxants, and an antivenin. Prevent spider
bites by keeping a hygienic environment clear of debris and not
allowing pets to have unsupervised access to attics, garages,
sheds, and basements. If you suspect your pet has been bitten by
a black widow, contact your veterinarian immediately.


I live in Denver
and let my dog

and cat go out in my

yard. I’ve seen coy-

otes, foxes, raccoons,

skunks, bats, hawks,

and owls in our neigh-

borhood—how much

danger do they pose

to my pets?

A: In 1990, about 40 percent of Americans lived in urban centers; by 2030
it is expected to be up to 60 percent. This steady urban growth has had a
powerful effect on animals, with some species learning to exist in cities. In
Denver, we routinely find bats, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, rabbits, foxes,
coyotes, deer, pigeons, hawks, owls, and occasional bears and rattlesnakes.
Wild animals can transmit contagious diseases to us and our pets. In Col-
orado, skunks, bats, raccoons, and foxes are the major vector of rabies.
Wildlife can infect streams, creeks, lakes, and ponds with the agents re-
sponsible for Leptospirosis and Giardia. Raccoons also carry distemper and
a nasty parasitic worm. What can you do? Avoid any contact with wild or
stray animals, and do not handle even car-
casses bare-handed. Make sure your yard is
secure and your animals do not wander
outside of it. Secure all garbage cans
with latchable lids that do not attract
scavenger wildlife. Keep pet food
and water dishes inside, not on
porches, where animals can find
them. Finally, keep your pets’
vaccines up to date. DLM

Kevin T. Fitzgerald,
PhD, DVM, is staff
veterinarian at the VCA
Alameda East Veterinary
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