AIPP Journal – April 2019

(coco) #1

Get Cyber Secure

As avid computer users, professional photographers and video
producers need to be aware of more than just their editing programs.
Here Aon Insurance provides some helpful tips on staying safe and
protecting your business data.

Did you know that 43% of all cyber crimes are
targeted at small business? And that 60% of
small businesses who experience a significant
cyber breach go out of business within the
following six months?
Many photography studios hold confidential
data and information about both their own
operations and their customers. This may
include customer’s bank or credit card details,
personal contact details or even confidential
information about their families and businesses.
However, even more important maybe the
irreplaceable photographs and videos we hold
for our clients, especially for current jobs that
might not yet be delivered. Imagine the trauma
if these files were not backed up – or if they
were hacked and corrupted?

A data breach is any unauthorised access to,
unauthorised release of, or loss of personal
information that a business holds that is likely
to result in serious harm to the individual/s

Most photography businesses (because
their turnover is under $3m) have no obligation
to report a data breach to the government,
but even so, the inconvenience can be very

With cyber-attacks on the rise it is important to
take preventative measures.
Hackers are increasingly targeting small
businesses as their data security tends to be less
advanced than in larger businesses.
And the costs of a cyber-attack often
outweigh the costs of preventative measures,
so this checklist is designed to help you better
protect your business:

Ensure employees and contractors only have
access to the information that they require
to perform their work. Reducing access can
prevent the risk of an ‘insider’ accidently or
intentionally releasing information.
For instance, a retoucher or editor doesn't


This is general information only. We do not know your specific financial or legal situation and we are not providing you with advice. As such, this article
should not be relied upon as legal, financial or accounting advice. Please use this article as a conversation starter with your own adviser.
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