AIPP Journal – April 2019

(coco) #1


John Swainston's President Message

What's the AIPP's strategy for the future? Where are we going? Where is
the AIPP taking us? The President outlines what's happening now.

G’day! How are you? Are you meeting your own
goals for your photography business, adding
to your skill set, readying images for the Epson
State Print Awards?
Or perhaps you are finding the current
climate challenging, not getting the bookings
you’d hoped for, even wondering if this is the
right profession for you?
Good or bad, a bit of introspection from time
to time is a normal part of working life.
Happily, most of us also experience those
wonderful days when the phone rings, a job
comes through that’s really going to make a
difference, you interview a couple of new clients
who commit on the spot and you get a nice
thank-you email from a client from last month.
Now that’s seriously uplifting, isn’t it?
And that, Dear Member, is what the AIPP
Board, councils and committees are all working
at on your behalf: Planning and hosting events
that build friendships and community, and help
you to grow your skills to keep you current, be
more efficient in workflow, explain copyright

and contracts, and run your business better.
Right now, we are finalising our 3-year
strategy: AIPP Vision 2022.
It’s where we want the AIPP to be for you
in three years, built on 55 years of history, but
confidently contemporary.


The strategy is about being emphatically
relevant in a world of rapid technical and client
Central is the social support and sharing
from fellow members, combined with the
development of a community for young and
less young (!) alike.
That’s what your Board sees for your AIPP.
We hope you will too.
After further discussions and improvements
from the councils and commitees, the May
edition of the AIPP Journal is where you’ll
see the detail. The AIPP Strategy will be the
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