2DArtist — April 2017

(Jeff_L) #1

The Artist

Sylwia Bomba
Software Used:

Sylwia Bomba is a digital
artist and illustrator.
She graduated from the
Academy of Digital Arts
in Florence and has since
worked for Disney, Pixar and
is currently Art Supervisor at
Neko Productions.

Colored shading

Learn how to shade and blend colored objects to create a 3D effect




Have you ever wondered how to blend colors
correctly? This technique entails a few great
tips and shows you how to use water-soluble
colored pencils. They create a wonderful
effect and handle like a traditional colored
pencil, yet they dissolve and blend in water!
They give you an extraordinary versatility.

Water-soluble colored pencils use gum arabic
(acacia gum), which dissolves in water.
If you don’t have water-soluble colored
pencils, you can use an alcohol (take care
when using) which breaks down the wax
binder in most colored pencils and allows the
pigments to blend more like paint.

Blending with colored pencils requires a little
bit of patience, but with all the passion you
have for art, you will enjoy it for sure! Do not
be afraid of using colors; instead play with
them the best you can! Blending colors with
water-soluble colored pencils is an amazing
exercise which will help you to understand
and see the colors in nature better.

01 Sketching a circle: Use an HB pencil in a
tripod grip and sketch a circle. Remember to
draw the highlights, the core shadow, and the
cast shadow. In this step, you don’t need to be
precise, just capture the essence of your object.

02 Adding the first colors: Use two or three of
your water soluble colored pencils to shade your
object. For this step I choose violet, pink, and
orange colors. Shade them gradually avoiding the
highlights. Also, for a better final effect you can
draw the lines on a dampened area of paper, not
on dry paper (as I did).

03 Blending colors together: Now you
can blend your colors together and create a
wonderful and realistic sphere. If needed, you
can wash clear water over the part of the drawing
you want to work on, then pick up color from
the palette or off the pencil and stroke it into
the dampened paper with a brush. It will give an
amazing and soft look to your drawing.


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