16 JUNE 2017 http://www.painters-online.co.uk
Consider how you might introduce humour
or even humanise the animal by giving it
words suggesting thoughts. Give the piece a
title on the paper if you feel so inclined.
Find out about David and his work at http://www.davidbellamy.co.uk.
Look out in next month’s issue for news of David’s latest book,
David Bellamy’s Arctic Light, published by Search Press, and
meet him at Patchings Art, Craft & Photography Festival in July
where he will be a guest demonstrator (see page 6 for details).
excellent first attempt to create a montage. Try
to make each of the poses slightly different and,
if possible, in some sort of sequence. Add the
lettering – give the beast a name if you wish –
and once you are happy with the overall
effect transfer the image on to watercolour
paper or canvas, and use whatever medium
you like to add colour.
Pencil sketch of a young leopard in the Serengeti.This rather
forlorn-looking male leopard was sitting on a termite hill and had
probably been abandoned by its mother, as is the normal case
when leopards become old enough to look after themselves. I
made several drawings of him in various poses, some of which had
to be abandoned when he moved into a different position. This is
the sort of work that is ideal to turn into a montage, perhaps
progressing from the rather cheesed-off expression, through being
down-right disgusted with mum then on to action, slinking through
the prairie grass in search of a tasty morsel.
One exercise you might like to try is to draw
out a rough series of postures of the leopard
from my page of sketches. You don’t need a
lot of detail; in fact this would make an
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