Artists & Illustrators — June 2017

(Nandana) #1


Using a wash of Cobalt Blue with a little Quinacridone
Magenta, I cover the buildings and background trees,
except for the highlighted parts. I do not attempt to paint
individual buildings at this point. The key is to keep the
wash flowing by using a suitably large brush – I use the
mop, and only allow hard edges around the highlights and
at the junction with the sky and the ground.


Using my size 10 sable, I suggest the
specific buildings without separating
them. I try for soft connections within
and between the individual buildings,
particularly those further away. All the
colours are used to create variety. The
closer vehicles are suggested using
simple but accurate shapes, taking care
to leave some windscreens light. The sea
is repainted, not specifically to darken it
but to create the edge of the pier.


I add darker passages to the vehicles to
create the sides, wheels and the dark
shadow cast on the road with a mix of Cobalt
with Quinacridone Magenta or Winsor Red.
Care is taken not to completely isolate any
single vehicle. As with buildings, we see a
group, not a number of individuals. A touch
of darker wash is also added to the closer
buildings and figures, paying attention to
proportions rather than details.


I work the figures a bit more but try not to be too
detailed. I want them to complement the subject,
not take over. I paint the bollards with a Cobalt and
Burnt Sienna mix. The tops are left light and the right
sides painted with a darker version of the same mix,
while the left side is wet to suggest the cylindrical
shape. Winsor Red is used for the pier’s ladders.


This is the fun part where very little paint
is applied but the effect can be dramatic.
I add a few very dark touches to the figures
and the chains on the bollards. The
lampposts are added using my credit card
(see issue 377) and a few lines are added to
the ground to emphasise the perspective.
Finally, a little gouache is applied directly
from the tube to create highlights on the
vehicle roofs and on the figures.
Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolour
paper is available at

RIGHT Donaghadee, W&N Professional paper,

Top tip
Don’t try to fix a
cauliflower. From
a mildly irritating
mistake, you will
produce a very
annoying fault

78 Graham Booth.indd 79 06/04/2017 12:46

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