
(Nancy Kaufman) #1
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and just tweaking my Gutter (space between the columns)
up to 2mm. Photoshop instantly updates the layout, chang-
ing the number of columns and spacing them equally from
left to right. To see this change, ensure the Preview box is
checked on.
Tip: To remove the gutter completely, highlight the Gut-
ter value and hit the Delete (PC: Backspace) key on your
keyboard. This will leave the Gutter field empty, leaving no
space between the columns.

Photoshop’s default option is to size and lay out the col-
umns automatically so they’re spaced equally across the
document from left to right. We can amend the width
manually by entering a new value in the Width field. Our
image is 340x340mm square, and we want 6 columns in
only the left half of the image, so we’ll enter a Width for our
columns of 28mm (6 columns multiplied by 28mm equals
168mm, which is almost half of 340mm). To have these
columns appear on the left, the Center Columns check-
box must be blank. Click OK, and Photoshop updates
the layout, this time setting the width of each column to
exactly 28mm.
One of the great things about the New Guide Layout
feature is that you can reopen the dialog and update the set-
tings. So, let’s see what happens if we reopen it and check
the Center Columns option.

are added with the default settings. We’ll easily add rows
later in this tutorial.
Note: If you already had guides in your document, you can
clear these existing guides in the New Guide Layout dialog
by selecting the Clear Existing Guides option at the bottom.

To change the number of columns in your layout, simply
change the value in the Number field. I’m going from 8 to 6

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