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photoshop user
› february 2016
Step Five: We want the subject to be solid black, but too many
Overlay fills will roughen the edges. So instead, select the Brush
tool (B) in the Toolbox and choose a round soft-edged brush.
Press X until the Foreground color is black, and change the Mode
setting in the Options Bar to Overlay. Now paint in the light areas
to force them to black. Some areas may need several strokes
to make them completely black. Again, this won’t change the
white background even if you paint into those areas. If there are
any areas that won’t go to solid black, change the Brush Mode
back to Normal, decrease the size of your brush using the Left
Bracket key, and paint over those areas. You’ll have to be care-
ful, though, because in Normal mode, you can now paint on the
white background.
Step Six: Once the subject is solid black, press Command-I
(PC: Ctrl-I) to invert the image, making the subject white and
the background black. You can continue to adjust the channel
if needed. Now hold down the Option (PC: Alt) key as you go
under the Image menu and choose Duplicate. The Option (PC:
Alt) key will create the duplicate file directly, bypassing the Dupli-
cate Image dialog where you can rename the duplicated file.
Step Seven: In the duplicate file, go to Image>Adjustments>HDR
Toning. If you’re using the practice file, then drop the Saturation
to –100 before adjusting the other settings to those shown here.
Click OK.
Step Eight: In the Channels panel, hold down the Command (PC:
Ctrl) key and click on the Green copy channel thumbnail to load
the shape of the subject as a selection. With the selection active,
press Command-J (PC: Ctrl-J) to copy the subject to a new layer.
Step Nine: Back in the original subject file, click on the RGB
channel at the top of the Channels panel to make it active and
hide the Green copy channel. In the duplicate file, switch to the
Move tool (V), hold the Shift key, and click-and-drag the HDR
layer back to the original subject image. Holding down the Shift
key as you drag will center and align it with the original subject
layer. In the Layers panel, change the layer blend mode to Over-
Step Eight
Step Six
Step Seven
Step Five