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Step Five: When you cycled through the different channels
back in Step One, Photoshop temporarily turned off the com-
posite channel (the one that shows your image in full color).
So in the original document (the one you opened in Step One),
turn all the channels back on by clicking the composite channel
at the top of the Channels panel (circled) or by pressing Com-
mand-2 (PC: Ctrl-2).
Step Six: Create a selection of the guy’s back. In this example,
we’ll select the white background and then invert the selection
to select his back. Press-and-hold the fourth icon from the top
of the Toolbox (circled), and from the resulting menu, click
the Magic Wand tool. In the Options Bar, set the Tolerance to
around 20. Mouse over to the image and click once within the
white background. Choose Select>Similar to have Photoshop
select more pixels that match the one you clicked. Shift-click
bits of the background that aren’t yet selected (a plus sign
appears beneath your cursor). Don’t worry about the guy’s
hair or towel; we’ll deal with those spots later. Now invert the
selection by choosing Select>Inverse.
Step Seven: In the Options Bar, click the Refine Edge button.
In the dialog that opens, set the Smooth and Feather sliders
to 1 pixel (or higher if you’re working with a high-resolution
image) and then set the rest to 0. From the Output To drop-
down menu, choose Selection, and click OK.
Step Eight: Save the selection by choosing Select>Save Selec-
tion. In the resulting dialog, enter “back” in the Name field
(circled) and click OK. Now choose Select>Deselect to dismiss
the marching ants.
Step Nine: Choose File>Place Embedded and in the dialog that
opens, navigate to the motherboard image and click Place. To
resize the image, Shift-drag any corner handle and then press
Enter. In the Layers panel, use the drop-down menu above
the layer locks (circled) to change the blend mode to Multiply
(when using your own imagery, experiment with other blend
modes to see which one works best). Next, lower the Opacity
setting (also circled) to approximately 50%.
Step Eight
Step Five
Step Seven
Step Six
Step Nine
©Adobe Stock/Svetoslav Radkov