device or Web browser to access your work). If you’re an exist-
ing Creative Cloud member using our desktop software, you’ll
find a deep level of integration between mobile and desktop
platforms and all of the files between them.
STEP ONE: Upon login, go to the Shapes section of the app and
select or create a library for your creations to live in.
Adobe Capture CC
Let’s start on the phone with an app that stands
nicely on its own, but is pure magic for existing
desktop CC users: Adobe Capture CC. We know
that the iPhone is the most-used camera in the
world and a pretty amazing one at that, but
what if it could see more than just photos and
videos? Capture does just that, extracting harmo-
nious color combinations, vector shapes, power-
ful brush tips, and color “looks” from the world
around us. There’s a lot to Capture, so let’s just
look at one function.
The Shapes section of Capture is one of the
most magical and intuitive, but there are a cou-
ple of tricks. Here’s how it works:
EVERY APP SHOWN HERE IS FREE. Nearly all are available on
both iOS and Android, and in the case of the former, they run
on both the iPhone and iPad. Each app requires an Adobe ID.
If you’re using a free membership, this enables access to your
files and projects across devices (you can sign into any mobile
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