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Above: Darkening the gold ceiling also dark-
ened the light fixture, making it look gray
Above: Erasing the effect just over the light
fixture brings back the original natural look
step seven: Okay, after you click
the New button, go ahead and lower
the Exposure amount and the High-
lights amount, and start painting over
that middle-left gold ceiling area, so
it’s not so bright. I figured we’d take
down the highlights at the same time
since there’s a bright light fixture right
in the center of that ceiling area. When
you’re done painting, move your cursor
out of the way (drag it over the panels
on the right side), and now you’ll see
two Edit Pins: (1) which is now just solid
gray—there’s no black dot in the center
because it’s not the active pin—and rep-
resents the area brightened around the
dome, and (2) which represents the area
you just darkened (the gold ceiling on
the middle left). It has a black dot in the
center of the pin because it’s still active,
meaning if you move any sliders now, it
will affect that gold ceiling area.
tip: deleting edit pins
To delete an Edit Pin, click on it then
press the Delete (PC: Backspace) key.
step eight: If you want to go back
and work on the area around the dome,
all you have to do is click on that gray
pin. It becomes the active area, and all
the sliders automatically update to the
last settings you used on that pin, so
you can continue right where you left
off. It’s not unusual for me to have five
or six Edit Pins in a photo (occasionally
more) because I needed to adjust five or
six different areas. Now, what do you
do if you make a mistake or paint over
something that doesn’t look good? For
example, look at the light fixture in the
center of the gold ceiling area on the
left. It looks gray, which looks weird
(light isn’t usually gray). To remove the
adjustment over just that light, press-
and-hold the Option (PC: Alt) key,
which switches you to the Erase brush.
Now, just paint over the light fixture
and it erases the adjustment in only that
area, and the light looks normal again.
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