total output value of this industry is expected to exceed three trillion yuan by 2015,
accounting for about 8 % of the GDP.^11 Energy conservation and environmental
protection responsibility indicators in the 12th Five-year Plan period are more
stringent. Government policy helps foster a more active energy conservation and
environmental protection service market in China and also attracts numerous for-
eign enterprises to the Chinese market.
The French Suez Environment Group has been present on the Chinese market
for 30 years; its operating revenue in China stood at 938 million EUR in 2010. In
2011, the Wuhan Sino-French Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. controlled by the French
Suez Environment Group signed a cooperative agreement with Wuhan City, under
which the former would be responsible for designing, building and managing the
sewage treatment plant in the Wuhan Chemical Industry Zone. The total scale of the
planned contractual sewage treatment plant reached 60,000 t/d.^12
Another leading global energy conservation service provider—the German
company, Siemens has also been awarded numerous contracts on the Chinese
building energy conservation market. For example, the Development and Reform
Commission of Guangdong Province and the Department of Housing and
Urban-Rural Development of Guangdong Province signed green low-carbon
building development agreements with Siemens (China) Co., Ltd. in 2012.
A famous international consulting company established in Munich, Germany—
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants—has provided renewable energy development,
an energy conservation and emission reduction development strategy and man-
agement consulting services to Chinese green-energy enterprises since it entered
China in 1983.
The Chinese low-carbon environmental service industry is less competitive and
has trade import surpluses with the EU.
9.1.3 The Carbon Credit Market
The clean development mechanism (CDM) has fostered a huge worldwide carbon
credit trading market. As of 2012, more than 5044 CDM projects have been reg-
istered worldwide and an estimated emission reduction that exceeded 2.17 billion
tons carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO 2 e).^13 China is the largest CDM project country
in the world, while registered projects in China account for 51.7 % of the total
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