
(Martin Jones) #1

animals. Humor plays once again a huge role in this
series of work, as frequently he digitally manipulates
the pictures to grant even more anthropomorphic
features to the apes. It might be an ape that is
portrayed playing cards, one having a conversation or
another being dressed as a human. The resulting
artworks are at the same time humorous and
meaningful, as they ponder on the actual value of
animal life.

As analyzed above, Jim Fitzpatrick is quite an
interesting case in the realm of photography. To fully
understand his artistic scope, one must delve into the
humorous images that he produces and accepts them
as a different form of reality. It is unusual to find this
quality of humor in contemporary visual art, a field
that usually tries to focus on serious approaches
concerning the themes portrayed. On the other hand,
Fitzpatrick creates bold statements instilled with
humor, to establish a personal connection with the
viewer. He prefers to focus on the impact that his
work has on other people instead of simply
overanalyzing the formalistic qualities of his artworks.
The boldness that he exhibits throughout his work is an

original way to portray the full range of pop culture
that he thematically presents and at the same time he
makes use of a wide array of clever elements to
enhance contrasting features and forge a unique
artistic blend.

ATIM's Top 60 Masters of Contemporary Art in 2014,
2015 and 2016. He recently received the great news
he will once again be featured in 2017! To date, he has
published 5 photo books and held 3 art exhibitions. At
one he displayed his works of boxer Mike Tyson who
was on hand. Some of Jim's works have been
published in books, magazines, programs, on TV, and
on National Geographic's site. As someone who
suffers from the chronic pain, he hopes to inspire
others living with chronic pain.

"I love the beauty and uniqueness the world has to
offers and through my art and photography I want to
share the things that I enjoy or have caught my eye at
the moment.

“Chilean Beauty” - Photography

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