Boat International - June 2018

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Back on board Lex, it’s not yet noon – but, hey, as the Jimmy Bufett
song says, “it’s five o’clock somewhere”. As if on cue, “Mojito Man” pulls
up on his well-branded jet ski. Though most superyachts will have a
decent bar, there is something entirely novel about getting the “perfect
mojito” handmade on board by an expert. Mojito Man stays busy from
dawn until dusk, beckoned from yacht to yacht. He brandishes a bushel
of fresh mint, blending the most refreshing strawberry mojito.
A short cruise around the corner brings the yacht to the paradisiacal
Playa Cavall d ’en Borràs. We tender to shore and step barefoot on to the
sand. The beach is empty, save for a few chaises shaded by umbrellas, but
a wooden footbridge leads to a restaurant with a palm-fringed roof. The
sandy-floored Beso Beach club is where tropical house music clashes
with spirited conversation and the scent of paella. This is Formentera’s
spot to see and be seen – an intimate hideaway where celebrities and
the jet set can unwind and make merry. “Beso Beach is great because
it’s a relaxed, hidden spot – you wouldn’t even know it’s there – but it has
a very eclectic and cool vibe and the food is excellent,” says Serret. “It’s
like a more bohemian version of the beach clubs you get in Ibiza.”
Don’t mistake Formentera’s casual, quieter nature for abstinence.
Th is isla nd si mply revel s i n it s ow n way. The weekend of my v isit , it ’s t he
Formentera Jazz Festival. This isn’t the sort of soft jazz found in lifts,
but a melange of live music, DJs, documentary viewings and beachside
jam sessions. Of course, the DJ set isn’t until 2am. The party is taking
place in the open town square, which is full of party-makers despite
the late hour. The wardrobe is completely diferent from an Ibizan club

  • no heels, no sequins, no disco fever, but everyone attending looks
    glamorous in their hippy togs. The music flows over the crowd, lifting
    everyone into a feverish sway, hands foisted into the air, feet stomping,
    a fresh breeze cooling us down.
    There is something contagious about the energy of both these
    islands – they possess the special talent of taking you into their worlds
    completely. On each you can’t help but slip into the mode of utter
    Lexis for charter through Charter & Dreams from €4 2,000 per week,

A laid-back youthful spirit
pervades Formentera’s
Bohemian beach bars

With its untamed beaches, Formentera has an enchanting wildness to it


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