
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



Combine the layers
Set Exposure to +1.30, Contrast to +40, Shadows to
+30, Blacks to +20 and Clarity to +20. Click Open
Image. Open the starting DNG as well. Add the two images
to the same document so that they are on different layers.
Add a layer mask and grab the Gradient tool, and select the
Foreground to Transparent Linear option.


ACR adjustments
Open the starting image in ACR. We’ll start by work-
ing on the sky. Set Exposure to +0.10, Contrast to
+49, Whites to +23, Blacks to -28 and Clarity to +46. Click
Save Image, and save it as castle_start_1. Click the icon in
the right-hand corner, next to where it says Basic, and select
Camera Raw Defaults to reset these adjustments.


Reveal the background
Drag from the bottom to the top of the frame to reveal
the lighter background layer. Grab a black brush at
opacity and paint over the castle to lighten it. Press
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E to create a merged layer. Grab the
Quick Selection tool and drag over the sky to select it. Click
Refine Edge and set the Output To option to New Layer with
Layer Mask, and click OK.


Convert to Black and White
Double click the Hue/Saturation layer. In the
Masters channel set Hue to +13 and Saturation to
+39. In the Blue channel set Hue to +18 and Saturation to
+16. In the Yellow channel set Hue to -12. In the Layers panel
highlight the top layer. Create a merged layer. Grab the Dodge
tool. Select a soft brush of 400px and set Range to Midtones
and Exposure to 30


Blur the clouds
Go to Filter>Blur>Radial Blur. Select Zoom, set
Amount to 13. Click OK. Highlight the mask, grab
a black brush at 100
opacity and paint the edges of the
selection. Add a Levels adjustment layer. Set Shadows to 5,
Midtones to 1.10 and Highlights to 241. Add a Hue/Saturation
adjustment layer and a Gradient Map adjustment layer with a
Black, White gradient.


Dodge and burn
Paint the shadowed areas of the castle and tree to
brighten them and increase the contrast. Grab the
Burn tool. Increase the brush size to 900px and paint along
the edges to create a vignette, gradually building up the effect.
Add a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer and set the
Contrast to 18 to give it a final boost. Go to Layer>Flatten
Image to flatten the layers before saving.
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