
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



ne of the great things about digital imaging is the
ability it gives you to combine several images.
Master a few simple compositing skills and you
can transport subjects to distant destinations or
build a group photo from several people who’ve never met.
But to make a composite look convincing you need accurate
cutouts. When cutting out people, the most problematic part
is usually the hair, where the background often shows
through the gaps. Luckily, there are a couple of Photoshop

tools that can do much of the work for you. Introduced in
Elements 11, Refine Edge is the most powerful tool for
making cutouts that Adobe has ever produced. It’s not a
selection tool, but a command that enables you to improve
an existing selection by, as the name suggests, refining its
edges. If you’re new to Refine Edge, the controls can seem
complicated at first, but master a few fundamentals and it
quickly becomes the go-to tool when you need to make a
precise cutout.

Cut out like

a professional

Discover the best way to cut out portraits and transport

subjects seamlessly using the Refine Edge tool

Free download pdf