
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



he trouble with regular selection tools is that they
act like a switch. Pixels are either selected or
they’re not, and this produces unnatural transi-
tions and edge effects. What you need is a subtler,
more intelligent tool to automatically identify the areas you
want to keep and separate them from an unwanted back-
ground, while creating a smooth and natural-looking
boundary around even the most complex and finely-divided

details. That’s what the Refine Selection Brush is designed to
do. It was introduced with Elements 13 but it’s been enhanced
in Elements 14 and it’s a useful alternative to the Refine Edge
dialog. The Refine Selection Brush tool is designed to
improve a selection you’ve already made – it’s not designed
for making selections from scratch. In our example, we’ve
started off with the Quick Selection tool and then used the
Refine Selection Brush to get a much better result

Refine selection edges

Elements 13 brought a new Refine Selection Brush, and in

Elements 14 it’as been enhanced to cope better with tricky

outlines like hair and fur


Finishing touches
When you’re done, switch back to the Quick Selection
tool (or any other) to commit to a final selection and
and drag the cutout image onto the new background. To blend
in any remaining rough edges, we’ve used the Eraser tool set
to a large, soft brush size and an opacity of around 35%.


Refine the edges
You can also move the mouse pointer over the back-
ground to ‘push’ back the selection if you need to. And
if you move the pointer over the boundary, it changes to ‘edge’
mode, and you can paint along the edges of finer details to
produce a much subtler blend, especially for hair and fur.


Add to your selection
This tool has different modes – we’re going to use the
‘Push’ mode, and we want to ‘push’ the selection out-
wards to select more of the goat’s fur. The darker centre disc
marks the areas you definitely want while the outer grey area
is where Elements automatically selects and blends details.


Choose a background colour
The Refine Selection Brush is on the same toolbar fly-
out as the Quick Selection Brush and Magic Wand tool
When you refine the selection, the background is shown as
red by default, but we will choose black because it’s closest to
the new image we want to use as a background.

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