
(Michael S) #1
Federals shoot at Rebel
cavalrymen attempting to
overwhelm a supply train.
The deeper Union armies
penetrated into the
Southern heartland, the
longer and more vulnera-
ble their supply lines.
Confederates went after
them with gusto and not
just to hurt Northern
armies; they could luxuri-
ate for a time on the food,
clothing, and ammunition
they captured.

Smithsonian Institution

where. Thomas, who had seven divisions,
remained intact at last news. Granger, with
two brigades had gone to support
Thomas. Every available reserve was used
when the men stampeded. Burnside will be
notified of the state of things at once, and
you will be informed. Troops [Confeder-

ate] from Charleston, Florida, Virginia,
and all along the seaboard are found
among the prisoners. It seems that every
available man was thrown against us.”
The author of this gloomy telegram was
Maj. Gen. William S. Rosecrans, com-
mander of the Federal Army of the Cum-

berland. His missive was the first report
sent by him to his civilian superiors regard-
ing the defeat of his army at the Battle of
Chickamauga. But even before Rosecrans’
rather passive announcement had been
sent, the authorities back east had received
a much more graphic account of the recent

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